The best data room and due diligence tools

In the course of a due diligence process, a large number of documents and transaction-relevant financial and tax information come together. The data room software can be used to handle this safely and conveniently. So, how does the due diligence data room work?

Data room software in the due diligence process

In today’s developing world, the number of documents in use is growing rapidly. The effective functioning of each organization, regardless of its profile, is directly dependent on the level of operational processing of documentation and information and the speed of interaction between structural divisions of the organization and counterparties. Therefore, workflow automation is one of the primary tasks of modern organizations. The problem of workflow automation is currently quite acute because companies need to share large arrays of confidential data during business operations like due diligence.

Due diligence is the most important factor in the success of a deal. Potential problems not identified and resolved at this stage can result in higher costs in the long run. Fact-finding and risk assessment are both typical of this process.

According to, virtual data rooms document the actions during the due diligence phase and help to understand the content even after the transaction. Therefore, audit-proof documentation of the due diligence check is all the more important. Such services, the typical software-side instruments in M&A deals, are suitable for the secure and structured exchange of transaction-relevant documents and can help clarify legal disputes.

The benefits of due diligence data room

The due diligence data room aims to share information by making documents secure, accessible, retrievable, and interchangeable. The software reduces the time to search for information and helps track document movement, reducing the possibility of losing a document. The speed of the processes for processing documents increases and the time for copying them is reduced. An important effect of introducing a data room is a general increase in executive discipline, notification of instructions, providing convenient access to documents and tasks, in particular, from outside the organization, and the ability to monitor employees’ workload.

The software, for example, records the entire due diligence process in the data room and documents who viewed individual documents, when, and for how long. You can also see when the documents were posted or updated. In this way, it can be precisely traced whether the buyer had access to certain documents during the due diligence. After the closing, the data room will be frozen and burned onto a CD. Both buyers and sellers receive this CD and a certificate certifying that the due diligence was lawful when the deal was closed.

So, data room functions include:

  • acceptance, registration, and accounting of documents;
  • ordering and classification of documents;
  • document processing;
  • adding comments to documents;
  • search for documents by section titles and keywords;
  • creation of personal document libraries;
  • changing the configuration of documents;
  • version control of documents when they are modified;
  • providing the possibility of remote access to documents;
  • database information management;
  • ensuring data security, allowing access to documents only to certain users;
  • sending and distribution of documents;
  • administration of accounting and data archiving.

The data room is also designed to implement and automate the processes of interaction between employees of the company, in connection with which employees can quickly receive any necessary information on the company’s customers. At the same time, such documents can exist both in structured objects with a certain set of company details and unstructured in a standard format, for example, in text Word or Excel.

What Can You Do To Avoid These Hidden Cloud Storage Costs?

Online data storage is the same service as a cell in a bank, renting an apartment, or organizing holidays. Here, as in thousands of other cases, you may encounter hidden fees and incomprehensible pricing policies.

Why is this happening?

Providers of virtual data rooms rarely cover the cost of their services on their official pages. This is because usually, for each specific customer, a set of services that he needs is created. As a result, only VDRs for small businesses immediately talk about the terms and price of their product.

A potential client has the opportunity to learn more about pricing during a conversation with a service manager. That is why it seems that there are any hidden fees.

How to avoid hidden fees?

If you are the owner or CEO of a large company, when you order virtual data room services, you (unexpectedly!) enter into a contract! We can say that this is a contract. And your main task is to read it carefully.

Most often, payment misunderstandings arise precisely because the buyer’s side does not read the contracts carefully and neglects its obligations to familiarize itself with the contract. This is not at all the agreement that everyone signs without reading or running a new program on a computer. VDR is an intellectual property product, some of which may even be developed exclusively for your company.

Learning rights and obligations

The right is the opportunity to do something: if you want, do it.

A duty is something that cannot be simply waived. If you do not fulfill the obligation, you will be held accountable – the punishment for not fulfilling it.

Here is a simple analogy. Imagine you went to a restaurant, ordered dishes, and paid the bill. Words are on the table. Now you can eat one and leave the others – that’s your right. No one can force you to eat everything the waiter brings. The same thing happens in your data room – if you order service but do not use it, the provider is not obliged to waive their fee.

Checking our responsibility

For an obligation, the contract must provide for liability. It occurs if the debt is not fulfilled or is not performed properly, for example, not on time.

It happens that the obligation exists in itself and does not follow the other party’s right. For example, suppose the contract says: “At the end of the course, the lecturer is obliged to provide his contact details to the course participants.” This obligation is sufficient for the contract to be fulfilled.

Checking key points

There is a technique for reading the contract – 8W. These are eight questions, each of which begins with W. The meaning is as follows: we ask a question, look for an answer in the contract and analyze whether there is an answer and whether the meaning suits. You can download the checklist (picture left), so the questions are always at hand.

How do you build a data room?

Different types of data require different approaches to their storage, not only on the physical but also on virtual media. In the article, you will learn how large companies store their data.


Databases are an aid to almost any application. They store and process data that can take up a large volume. The role of data fragments stored in the database can be a number, a piece of text, or even a file.

Cloud databases perform the same functions as regular databases, but they have several advantages:

  • Any amount of storage – expands at any time, without purchasing equipment.
  • Fault tolerance – built-in data redundancy so that there are always backup copies if the equipment fails.
  • Advanced security: DBaaS operates in highly secure environments, under the control of powerful technical protection tools and security experts.

There are many types of databases: for processing transactions, storing unstructured data, caching information, and many other tasks.

File storage

File storages, as the name implies, operate on files. In such a repository, files are organized into directories and subdirectories (folders); each file can be found by the name and path of nested directories. Files can be added, deleted, overwritten, read, or executed. We are used to seeing such file systems on our PCs and laptops.

Nested directories and files in file storage. The directory hierarchy is arranged in the same way as on personal computers.

File storages are convenient when people work with files directly: many people are used to working with files in a directory tree. Some applications also use file storage if the main object of their work is files and directories.

When there are few files, file storage does a good job. However, with many files, the directory structure becomes unwieldy; searching it and accessing files slows down. Therefore, file storages are suitable for simple office tasks – a collaboration of a small number of employees, file sharing, and archive storage. But they are not well suited for large arrays of heterogeneous data that need to be processed quickly.

Object storage

Data in the object storage is placed without the hierarchy of folders accepted in the file storage. Instead, all data is stored as objects, and anything can be in the role of an object: a document, an image, a rich source video, a code fragment.

The advantage over file storage is that the speed of access to any object does not depend on the number of things. Placing a billion objects does not lead to a drop-in rate – a situation unthinkable for file storage.

As a public service, object storage comes with a few more unique benefits:

Unlimited storage scalability without reconfiguring storage applications. By comparison, if an application uses a regular physical or cloud drive, the drive will run out one day. Therefore, it is necessary not only to add a new one but also to configure the application to understand when to access which disk. There are no such problems with cloud storage: applications work according to the same rules for any amount of storage.

Built-in data replication. Data is automatically copied, and copies are stored on different servers in different data centers. This ensures their safety and quick restoration of work even if access to one of the copies fails.

Uninterrupted access to storage objects for any number of users. You can put a video in storage, and when tens of thousands of people watch it simultaneously, the number of hits will not create any problems.

You can deploy object storage in your own data center as part of a private cloud or use cloud providers’ services. Providers usually charge storage volume, traffic, and storage requests, the cost of which may vary in different tariffs.

What are the Types of Due Diligence?

Due diligence is the exercise of caution generally expected of a prudent business (or individual) before entering into a major transaction. It includes collecting a variety of information so that you can form an objective view of the chosen investment object. Conducting due diligence contributes to making informed decisions due to the information received.

Tax Due Diligence

Tax Due Diligence (Due Diligence) is of key importance since the tax burden; risks can significantly impact the assessment of the condition and attractiveness of the transaction object.

Such a load can make any business unprofitable or unpromising in terms of investing. Or set certain restrictions and features that will make the industry impossible or ineffective. That is why it is important to understand and plan what taxes the company is currently paying, how much it will have to pay in the future, and whether it is possible to reduce the tax burden. All these questions will be answered by the specialists of our company on the basis of the tax Due Diligence service.

We will also check the cleanliness of the company, the presence and (or) absence of overdue and doubtful debts in the settlements of buyers (customers), suppliers (contractors), the budget, and other counterparties.

Financial Due Diligence

This is a verification of the reliability of information about the company’s financial condition, the results of its economic activities, and an assessment of its commercial prospects.

During the financial Due Diligence service (Due Diligence), we determine the key indicators of the company’s financial performance and assess future prospects, subject to certain standards and the existing market conditions.

During the financial Due Diligence, we analyze the income and expenses of the company, their structure, the presence of debts and assets, any liabilities, and loans. In addition, we check the quality of accounting and the relevance and reliability of the operations performed to reflect the facts of the company’s economic life. We consider and analyze the dynamics of growth (or decline) of the main indicators. We evaluate the quality of the work of accounting and financial services, accounting systems, and reporting. The quality and correctness of the formation of reporting indicators directly depend on quality control and reliable reflection of primary documents.

Legal Due Diligence

Our consultants will conduct a legal Due Diligence (Due Diligence) to avoid possible legal risks associated with the upcoming transaction. As a result of this study, existing encumbrances and possible financial and reputational risks of such an acquisition will be identified, which will make it possible to make a final decision both on the appropriateness of the acquisition and on how to structure the upcoming transaction and how to avoid the risks of acquiring an illiquid asset.

After evaluating the condition of the asset, and the status of the legal entity that owns it, you will be able to choose the most appropriate method of acquisition. If you prefer to purchase shares (stakes) in a legal entity – the owner and consultants specializing in mergers and acquisitions are ready to help prepare the transaction, comply with all corporate procedures, draw up an agreement, and provide legal support at each stage. If, for example, you purchase the production complex as real estate, you may need our real estate and construction specialists.